Bas Goossens is a filmdirector at film agency Ministry of Frames. He is based in Amsterdam and working worldwide. Bas directs films that leave a lasting impression. Focussing on (branded) documentaries and commercials with a story. Bas has worked for international brands and agencies.
Selected achievements:
Winner SAN Accent 2022: Category Corporate with Cordaan Talks
Winner Silver Lamp 2022: Category Medium & Large Business with Certified Tailors
Winner SAN Accent 2020: Category Corporate-Personeel with Cordaan Stories Cirque du Soleil’s big top confidential
Best Web Series AAB Film Fest 2019: IMPACT
Best Branded Video Global Film Festival Awards LA 2019: IMPACT
Best Web Series CFIFF 2019: IMPACT
Best New Media CIMIFF 2019: IMPACT
Best debut filmmaker CICFF 2018: A Wish Filled Summer